MEDAN - The Governor of North Sumatra (Sumut) Edy Rahmayadi met a mass of demonstrators who rejected the Omnibus Law on the Job Creation Law. Edy admitted that he did not know about the contents of the Omnibus Law.

In front of the masses, Edy asked the masses to find out about the ins and outs of the Work Creation Omnibus Law which was approved to be passed into law in the plenary session of the DPR. Edy admitted that he had not received a copy of the Job Creation Law.

"For that matter, the Omnibus Law issue, I don't know where the item is, so what I want to say. I have assigned my staff to find the Omnibus Law draft," said Edy, Tuesday, October 13.

Edy emphasized that the North Sumatra Provincial Government will study the Job Creation Law with experts and intellectual figures. The letter from the provincial government has been issued.

"I have issued a letter inviting scientific and intellectual figures, including scholars. After that we learn," said Edy.

"If it torments the people, I will go to the president. But I also need to pay tribute, don't be negative, don't slander," he added.

Edy told the masses that he could not talk much about the Omnibus Law. Because the most important thing for Edy is that the final draft of the Job Creation Law can be obtained.

"Everyone makes a lot of noise, but there are no items. Once there, we will discuss which one is right, we suggest it to the president," he said.

To the masses, Governor Edy also asked the demonstrators to disperse after meeting him. Edy reminded the danger of spreading COVID-19.

"Already 11,500 people have been exposed to the corona. Morning, noon and night take care of it. I don't want you to be in this crowded condition. One person is exposed, all of them have been hit. I love, wear a mask, don't open it up," said Edy.

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