The Crowd Continued To Fight The Police At Tugu Tani, Repeatedly The Sound Of Tear Gas Was Heard
Screenshot of Kompas TV broadcast

JAKARTA - The masses continued to fight the police in the Tugu Tani area, Central Jakarta. Mobs burned tires on the streets, threw stones at police.

From the opposite side, police continued to fire tear gas at around 17:15 WIB, Tuesday, October 13. The situation at Tugu Tani is full of smoke.

The crowd that was in the Horse Statue area, Jalan Medan Merdeka split into several points including Kebon Sirih, Central Jakarta.

The police also moved to comb the crowd towards Tanah Abang. Meanwhile, the Marines helped the police to drive off the crowd.

TNI in the Sarinah area (Photo: Achmad VOI)

There are also motorized TNI personnel in the Sarinah area. They made sure that there were no more points of mass gathering that could potentially become chaotic.

This chaos occurred after the 1310 protesters dispersed. A crowd, mostly teenagers, appeared in the Horse Statue area.

After being beaten back, now the chaotic mass concentration is in Tugu Tani.

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