BENGKULU - The Kepahiang Police Traffic Unit evacuated a four-wheeled vehicle that fell into a 20-meter-deep ravine on a mountain causeway to be precise in Tebat Monok Village, Kepahiang District, Kepahiang Regency.

Head of Traffic Brigade Brigade Head Nopriansyah of the Kepahiang Police in Bengkulu, Wednesday, May 11, said that the vehicle fell into a 20-meter-deep ravine due to out of control. Nopri said.

The driver and passenger of the vehicle survived, but the front of the vehicle was damaged. Chronologically, the incident at 20.30 WIB had a traffic accident on the Kepahiang-Bengkulu Cross Road, Tebat Monok Village, Kepahiang District, Kepahiang Regency when a car with BD 1923 JZ drove from Bengkulu to Kepahiang. Then when he arrived, the village of Tebat Monok was precisely in a mountainous area with a descending road and turning to the left.

"When they arrived at the location the vehicle lost control and fell into a ravine," he said.

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