JAKARTA - The Jakarta Manpower, Transmigration and Energy Agency (Disnakertransgi) temporarily closed three companies on the first day of the transitional PSBB implementation, Monday, October 12.

"On Monday, there were 41 companies that conducted impromptu inspections regarding compliance with health protocols during the transitional PSBB period. Three companies were temporarily closed," said Head of Jakarta Disnakertransgi Andri Yansyah in his statement, Tuesday, October 13.

In detail, there is 1 company in Central Jakarta that has been closed due to a COVID-19 case. The closure is carried out for three days (3x24 hours).

During the temporary suspension of work activities, the company is obliged to carry out cleaning and disinfection at least by adjusting the space capacity and close contact range.

"Furthermore, there are 2 companies in South Jakarta because they do not implement the health protocol for preventing COVID-19," said Andri.

As is known, the policies during the transitional PSBB volume II period were the same as the first transitional PSBB. However, there have been several adjustments, including in the office sector.

Offices in the essential sector can operate at a capacity as needed, while offices in the nonessential sector operate with a maximum of 50 percent capacity.

Then, offices make adjustments to working hours and work shifts with a minimum break of 3 hours between shifts, and maximize the use of technology.

If a COVID-19 cluster is found, the office must close the workplace for 3 x 24 hours for disinfection. Every business actor or office person who repeats the offense that does not carry out the obligation to protect public health will be subject to administrative fines.

Repeated violations are subject to an administrative fine of Rp. 50 million, repeated violations 2 times are subject to an administrative fine of Rp. 100 million, and repeated violations are subject to administrative fines of Rp. 150 million.

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