KUPANG - A total of 736 cows sent from East Nusa Tenggara to DKI Jakarta were detained at Tanjung Perak Port, Surabaya, East Java due to the animal mouth and nail disease (PMK) that is endemic in that area.

"Currently, the ship has docked in Surabaya. Because the decision to issue a PMK came out at the same time as the ship's departure, it was unavoidable," said Head of the NTT Animal Quarantine Center, Yulius Umbu H in Kupang, as reported by Antara, Tuesday, May 10.

This was conveyed by him after attending a coordination meeting on Awareness of Mouth and Nail Diseases (PMK) at the Animal Quarantine office.

He said that there was a process for sending the cows, such as preparation of feed, recommendations, health checks and others.

"The cows will later be sent to DKI Jakarta by road. But because of the virus, they are stuck there (Tanjung Perak Port, ed) and cannot be returned to Kupang again," he added.

East Java itself became the first area in Indonesia where FMD was found in a number of cows in that area. So the local government then issued a regulation closing the entry and exit of cattle from the area.

Yulius said his party was still in contact with the Animal Quarantine Center in Surabaya to find a solution or a way out of the 736 cattle that were trapped in the area.

Currently, he said, one of the solutions so that cattle can enter DKI Jakarta is for cattle owners to use the government-owned Cemara Nusantara sea toll ship.

However, the amount of supply is limited, unlike the delivery of cattle using cargo ships or cargo ships.

Until now the NTT region itself is still safe by the PMK, so it is trying to close all routes of entry for meat packaging products into NTT.

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