JAYAPURA - The joint TNI-Polri security forces conducted raids or "sweeping" in a number of areas in Sentani, Jayapura Regency, Tuesday 10 May.
The raid was carried out by members to anticipate the demonstration that would take place at Theys H. Eluay field in Sentani.
Quoted by Antara, Jayapura Police Chief AKBP Fredrickus WA Maclarimboen in Sentani, said that before the raid was carried out, a security meeting was held to anticipate the demonstration that was planned to be held today.
The raids were carried out around Hawaii and in front of the East Sentani Police Headquarters.
In addition to the raids, TNI-Polri personnel also conducted isolation and dispersal of demonstrators who had begun to gather in several locations.
Even though demonstrations were not permitted, his party still alerted 660 joint TNI-Polri personnel consisting of 277 Jayapura Police, 29 Papua Regional Police Dalmas, 105 Papuan Police Brimob personnel, 249 TNI personnel from the Air Force, Battalion 751 Raider and Sentani Koramil, explained Maclarimboen
According to him, the demonstration that is planned to be held demands the rejection of special autonomy volume 3 and the expansion of new autonomous regions.
Overall, the security and security situation in Jayapura Regency is still under control, I AKBP Maclarimboen.
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