BANYUMAS - Triyono, a resident of Kembaran District, Banyumas, Central Java, was shocked. He panicked because he caught a robber carrying a sharp weapon at his house in Ledug Village. Although Triyono did not experience physical violence, he was locked by the perpetrators from outside the room. The perpetrator immediately fled.

Banyumas Police Chief Kombes Pol Edy Suranta Sitepu through Head of Criminal Investigation Unit Kompol Agus Supriadi, explained that the incident occurred in the early hours of Sunday, May 8, at around 03.30 WIB. Supriadi explained the chronology of the attempted robbery.

Supriadi said, at that time the victim woke up from sleep because he heard the sound of people walking beside the house. After leaving the bedroom, the victim saw in front of the bedroom door an unknown man and immediately brandished a sharp weapon.

"Seeing this, the victim or the reporter (Triyono) re-entered the room. And after entering the room, the door was locked from the outside by the perpetrator. And coincidentally, the position of the door lock was outside," said Supriadi in a written statement, Monday. , May 9th.

Because it was locked, continued Supriadi, the reporter left the room through the window and headed to the shop in front. At that time the victim immediately ran outside to seek help screaming.

"After a resident came, the reporter together with the residents checked into the house, but the perpetrator who was previously in the house was gone, and the victim's belongings that were in the house had not been carried away by the perpetrator. For this incident Triyono reported to the Sector Police Twins and the Banyumas Police," said Kasat Supriadi.

Armed with reports, the results of the crime scene (TKP), CCTV footage and statements from witnesses, within 7 hours, the Central Java Police Banyumas Criminal Investigation Unit managed to secure the perpetrator with the initials DG (31).

From the hands of DG, the police secured a number of evidences in the form of a sharp machete weapon, a dark gray jacket, jeans and a pair of blue and white shoes that the perpetrator used when carrying out the action.

Based on the development, DG admitted that he had committed theft in early May 2022 with the results of, among other things, IDR 500,000 in cash which was used by the perpetrators to buy liquor (liquor).

"Currently, we have secured the perpetrators and evidence at the Banyumas Police Headquarters for further legal proceedings. The perpetrators are charged with Article 53 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 365 of the Criminal Code sub-Article 53 of the Criminal Code in conjunction with Article 363 of the Criminal Code", he added.

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