KARAWANG - Traffic flow on the north coast route (pantura) and the arterial road in Karawang Regency, West Java was observed to be congested on D+4 Eid 2022 today.

Reported by Antara, Friday, May 6, it was reported that private vehicles and motorbikes from the direction of Cirebon to Jakarta crowded the north coast lane to the Karawang arterial road. Likewise, the flow of traffic from the opposite direction, was observed to be quite dense.

The density of traffic flow has been seen since on the northern coast of the Subang region to Karawang. The density of traffic flow continues to the Karawang arterial road.

According to information gathered in the field, the density on the north coast lane of the Karawang area to the arterial road is due to the engineering of "one way" traffic on the Cipali Toll Road to the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.

All lanes on the toll road are prioritized for travelers returning to Jakarta and its surroundings.

Meanwhile, vehicles from the opposite direction or from Jakarta to Cirebon are diverted to the Pantura route and the Karawang arterial road.

Based on information from Jasa Marga, at the discretion of the police, Jasa Marga supports the implementation of a number of traffic engineering to reduce the density of vehicles on several toll roads.

Updates on the implementation of traffic engineering include the implementation of one way from KM 414 Toll Gate (GT) Kalikangkung Batang-Semarang Toll Road to KM 47 Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road towards Jakarta.

The traffic engineering has been in effect since Friday afternoon at around 14.00 WIB.

Meanwhile on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road, officers apply a two-lane contra flow starting from KM 47 to KM 28+500 Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road towards Jakarta.

In addition, to reduce congestion, the officers also enforced a conditional opening and closing policy on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road at several points, namely the entrance to Cikampek at GT Bekasi Timur, GT Bekasi Barat, GT Cibatu and GT Cikarang Timur closed at 10.55 WIB. .

Meanwhile, the entry and exit of West Karawang GT has been temporarily closed situationally since 15.12 WIB.

Jasa Marga and the police have also implemented a temporary opening and closing policy on the Mohamed Bin Zayed (MBZ) Elevated Toll Road, which was done situationally.

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