JAKARTA - President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) invited his children and grandchildren to travel to Bali Safari and Marine Park, Gianyar Regency, Bali. This moment took place when Jokowi and his family were on vacation to the Island of the Gods.
Citing the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube upload, Jokowi was seen holding his first grandson, Jan Ethes Srinaredra when entering the zoo area. While holding hands, the first child of the Mayor of Solo, Gibran Rakabuming Raka, seemed to wave to other visitors who captured the moment.
Meanwhile, the first lady, Iriana, followed behind with her other children, daughter-in-law, and grandchildren.
By using the shuttle bus, Jokowi and his family then took part in a series of safari tours along a predetermined track. During the trek, the former Governor of DKI Jakarta and his family met various rare animals from Indonesia, India and Africa.
In the shuttle bus, Jokowi sat by the window of the bus while taking turns holding La Lembah Manah and Panembahan Al Nahyan Nasution. Seen, the grandson of the President seemed enthusiastic to meet the collection of animals from the Bali Safari & Marine Park.
Not infrequently, they waved to greet the animals from inside the bus they were riding. Including, waving at the male lion in front of them.
"Dahdah lion, bye," said Jokowi as quoted from the YouTube show, which was then followed by his two grandchildren, Jan Ethes and Sedah Mirah.
This moment was captured and uploaded by Bobby Nasution on the bobbynst Instagram account, Friday, May 6.
"Finally, Sis Sedah and Babang Nahyan can also go for a walk with Mbah, to the zoo," said Bobby Nasution in the caption of his upload.
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