JAKARTA - Chairman of the DPD Association of Indigenous Indonesian Entrepreneurs (HIippi) DKI Jakarta Sarman Simanjorang welcomes the re-enactment of the transitional Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB) in DKI Jakarta from Monday 12 October to 25 October 2020.

"A sense of optimism from businessmen has returned with the reintroduction of the transitional PSBB, of course with the hope that no longer a return to the tightened PSBB," said Sarman as quoted by Antara , Monday, October 12.

This transitional PSBB policy is contained in Governor Decree No.102 of 2020 concerning the Enforcement of Large-Scale Social Restrictions during the Transition Period Towards a Healthy, Safe, and Productive Society.

Sarman assessed that at least the economic activity in Jakarta was starting to get excited again even though it was still within the limit of 50 percent visitors.

The visitor capacity of 50 percent applies in various service business sectors such as hotels, restaurants, cafes, restaurants, shops, shopping centers, people's markets, warehouses, factories, tourist / recreation centers, SMEs, and salons to resume operations.

The operating hours of the people's market at the PSBB transition are regulated by the market manager. Meanwhile, shopping centers and malls, shops, retail and SMEs can only operate starting at 06.00 WIB and ending at 21.00 WIB.

Sarman explained that business actors have the responsibility to always be disciplined in implementing health protocols so that the spread of COVID-19 can be controlled and decreases so that the government can take even looser policies.

In addition, the cash flow of entrepreneurs is considered to be increasingly worrying because their monthly obligations are no longer in balance with existing income.

"If the PSBB is tightened for too long, it is possible that many businessmen will go out of business and the unemployment rate will increase," he said.

He added that entrepreneurs hope that the momentum of Christmas and New Year can be used to increase the purchasing power of household consumption.

That way, it can sustain economic growth in the fourth quarter of 2020 towards positive growth, of course with policies that are already loose and normal.

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