JAYAPURA - Brigadier Two EN (21), a member of the Criminal Investigation Directorate of the Papua Police, Wednesday, May 4 at around 06.00 WIT driving a car, reportedly hit four people, one of whom died around the Jayapura Harbor area. He, along with two colleagues, drove a car across the Jayapura Harbor area, said Head of Propam Polda Papua Kombes Sanchez Napitupulu, in Jayapura as reported by Antara. "It's true, as a result of the collision, a Jayapura City cleaner, namely Alwi, died at the scene, three other people were injured," he also said. Kilion Fairnap (29), and Neles Fairnap (19).

Based on reports received by witnesses, it was revealed that the perpetrator of Bripda EN who was driving a silver pick-up car with police number PA 8067 AI passed from the direction of Jayapura Harbor to Argapura. until he died on the spot, and then hit three other people," said Napitupulu. After hitting the victims, the perpetrator immediately fled and is still being searched. Two of his colleagues, EN and YN, have turned themselves in to the police. Jayapura Hospital, including the victims who died, said Kombes Napitupulu again.

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