SANGIHE - The Immigration Office Class II TPI Tahuna, Sangihe Islands Regency, North Sulawesi, has named a foreign citizen from the Philippines EU (59), as a suspect for entering Indonesian territory without official documents.

"We have named EU, a Filipino citizen, as a suspect for entering Indonesian territory without valid documents," said TPI Tahuna's Acting Class II Immigration Office Head Rudie Ticoalu in Sangihe, Thursday, April 28.

He said the EU entered Indonesian territory illegally by using a panbout boat from Balut Island, the Philippines on January 25, 2022 at 04.00 am and arrived at Kampung Peta beach, North Tabukan sub-district, on the same day at 19.00 WITA.

"EU rented panbout from the Philippines. After dropping EU off at Kampung Peta, the two panbout owners immediately returned to the Philippines," he added.

The EU entered Indonesian territory illegally with the aim of going to Sumatra Island, especially Medan City, to meet someone he recognized as a potential wife.

The Tahuna Immigration Party received information from the local community and hospital officials regarding one foreign citizen (foreigner) who was confirmed positive for COVID-19, so an immediate examination of the suspect was carried out. So far, he said, there have been 11 witnesses who were questioned by the Tahuna Immigration investigation team.

"From the results of the examination, it was found that the EU was proven to have intentionally entered Indonesian territory without valid documents, so that on April 24 he was named a suspect and sentenced to five years in prison," he said.

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