KALTENG - The names of candidates for acting regents in South Barito Regency and West Kotawaringin have been submitted by the Central Kalimantan (Kalteng) Provincial Government to the Ministry of Home Affairs (Kemendagri).

"The official who will be made the acting regent has been submitted to the Ministry of Home Affairs, in this case the Directorate General of Regional Autonomy," said Head of the Bureau of Government and Regional Autonomy of the Central Kalimantan Secretariat Akhmad Husain in Palangka Raya, Thursday, April 28.

It is known that the terms of office of the two regional heads of Central Kalimantan, namely the Regent and Deputy Regent of South Barito, as well as the Regent and Deputy Regent of West Kotawaringin, will end on May 22, 2022.

He explained, in principle, everything related to administration regarding the replacement of the two regional heads had been completed, so it was just a matter of waiting for the next stage from the Ministry of Home Affairs.

His resignation will coincide with the change of the current definitive regent, which will then be followed by the inauguration of the Acting Regents of Barsel and Kobar.

"The names proposed by three people are in accordance with the rules. God willing, the names submitted are competent, indeed people who understand their duties and functions well," he said, as reported by Antara.

It's just that Husain is reluctant to mention who the names that have been submitted to the central government are. As for one of the requirements to become acting regent, is a high-ranking official.

Previously, the Expert Staff of the Governor of Central Kalimantan for Government, Law and Politics, Herson B. Aden, said that his party had held an integrated monitoring meeting in this regard.

"The monitoring meeting aims to ensure the accuracy of the schedule in the process of ending the term of office of the definitive regent with the appointment of the acting regent," he said.

He explained that each stage must be carefully discussed so that the process of terminating the positions of the regent and deputy regent is in sync with the inauguration of the acting regent. If this can be done well, then there is no room for a leadership vacuum to run the wheels of government.

Assistant for Government and Welfare of the Regional Secretariat of Central Kalimantan Katma F. Dirun added that regional heads who will end their term of office will be processed according to the specified stages.

One of them is proposing the dismissal of regional heads no later than 30 days before the end of their term of office, as in the Letter of the Minister of Home Affairs Number 120/3262/SJ dated June 17, 2015, regarding the dismissal of regional heads and deputy regional heads, as well as the appointment of acting regional heads.

In addition, as regulated in Law Number 23 of 2014 concerning regional government, article 78 paragraph (2), it is stated that regional heads and/or deputy regional heads are dismissed due to, among other things, the end of their term of office.

"For this reason, the monitoring meeting carried out by the provincial government and related parties is to ensure the stages of the process are going well, according to applicable regulations," he said.

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