JAKARTA - As many as 24 high-ranking officers of the Indonesian Army have been promoted to a level higher than their original rank.

This procession was held during the Report of the Army Corps of Rank Promotion led by the Army Chief of Staff General Dudung Abdurachman, at Headquarters, Jakarta, Wednesday, April 27.

Of the 24 high-ranking officers (Pati) of the TNI AD who were promoted to the rank of one, one person officially received 3 stars (Lt. Gen. TNI), namely Inspector General Lt. Gen. Rudianto, while 5 people were promoted to two stars (May. Gen. TNI), namely Major General TNI Heri Sapari ( Pa Sahli Tk. III Kasad Bid. Banusia), TNI Major General Dian Sundiana (Ir Kostrad), TNI Maj. Gen. Nurcahyo Utomo (Kapushubad), TNI Major General Iwan Setiawan (Kopassus Danjen), and TNI Major General Farid Makruf (Wirjen TNI).

Then 19 other Pati received one star (Brigjen TNI), namely Brigadier General Pranito Dwinarwan (Dirdiklat Pusterad), Brigadier General Imam Firdaus Budhiarto (Kapoksahli Pangkostrad), Brigadier General Joko Triyanto (Kapoksahli Pangdam IV/Dip), Brigadier General Edi Febriyanto (Ir. Secapa AD).

Furthermore, Brigadier General Zakaria (Dircab Pushubad), Brigadier General I Nengah Wiraatmaja (Widyaiswara Bid. Seskoad Research Methodology), Brigadier General RD Epi Setiadi (Dircab Puspalad), Brigadier General Dr. Saripudin (Asrena Kostrad), Brigadier General Agus Sasmita (Danpusdiklatpassus Kopassus), and Brigadier General Sapto Widhi Nugroho (Dankorsis Seskoad).

In addition, TNI Brigadier General Agus Wijanarko (Dirum Puspomad), Brigadier General Gausudin Amin Yusup (Ses Itjenad), Brigadier General Muhammad Alam Ramli (Director of Counter Separatism and Conflict at the Deputy for Counter Intelligence of BIN), Brigadier General Endro Satoto (Head of the General Bureau of the First Secretary General). BSSN).

There is also Brigadier General dr. Guntoro (Waka Puskes TNI), Brigadier General Arif Hartoto (Deputy Secretary to the Deputy Bid. Coordination of Law and Human Rights of the Coordinating Ministry for Political, Legal and Security Affairs), Brigadier General Andrey Satwika Yogaswara (Waorjen TNI Babinkum TNI), and Brigadier General Putranto Gatot Sri Handoyo (Waasrenum Panglima TNI) .

The Army Chief of Staff said the promotion was one of a series of promotions as well as a form of appreciation and honor for achievements and dedication in carrying out the task of serving the nation and state, as well as a mandate from God Almighty.

"I congratulate Lt. Gen. Rudianto along with 23 other high-ranking TNI AD officers for being promoted to one level higher than their original rank," said General Dudung.

The former Pangkostrad advised the TNI AD Patis who were promoted to make the momentum of this promotion to increase the motivation of officers to continue to develop "green human resource management" leadership.

"Officers are required to protect, provide shade and coolness, and prioritize emotional relationships with members, so that a harmonious organization and performance will be realized, as well as being able to build creativity and managerial abilities according to their respective positions, based on the belief to do the best, have imagination, innovation, vision, mission, as well as hopes and ideals," said the Army Chief of Staff.

As the highest leader of the Indonesian Army, General Dudung hopes to provide a good example and inspiration to his subordinates in attitude and action, and does not forget to pay attention to the welfare of members and their families.

"Be a firm leader and dare to make decisions based on the desire to give the best service to the nation and state," he said.

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