KALSEL - The Marine and Coastal Guard Unit (KPLP) has deployed a patrol boat KN Jembio P.215 to secure the Lebaran 2022 homecoming flow in the waters of South Kalimantan (Kalsel).

"KN Jembbio docked in Banjarmasin two days ago with a crew of 21, commanded by Irawan," said Head of the Idul Fitri Transportation Integrated Post at Trisakti Port Banjarmasin Capt Maltus Jackline, Wednesday 27 April.

KN Jembio P.215 under the command of the Directorate General of Sea Transportation of the Ministry of Transportation is in charge of carrying out guard, rescue, security and control operations as well as enforcement of regulations in the field of shipping in sea and coastal waters in order to support the smoothness and security of Eid homecoming and orderly shipping safety in territorial waters. South Kalimantan.

Maltus said that the 21 crew members of the KN Jembbio consisted of four teams with different functions, from security to law enforcement to take action if violations were found in the waters, including fire prevention and search and rescue assistance.

Launching Antara, the presence of KN Jembbio is expected to provide a sense of security and comfort for people who return home using ships, in addition to other officers who are members of the Lebaran Transport Integrated Post.

KPLP as a law enforcement agency under the Directorate General of Sea Transportation has five Marine and Coastal Guard Bases (PLP) as the basis for securing waters in Indonesia.

The five bases are Tanjung Priok Class I PLP Base, Tanjung Uban PLP Class II Base, Tanjung Perak Class II PLP Base, Bitung Class II PLP Base and Tual Class II PLP Base.

During this year's homecoming and return flow for Eid al-Fitr, all patrol boats at the five bases were deployed with the division of territory from Sabang to Merauke.

Maltus admitted that this year's homecoming moment did feel different after two years of the government's pandemic forbidding people from traveling to their hometowns during Eid to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

So that the increase in the flow of people and goods during this year's homecoming needs to be anticipated with maximum efforts from the government to ensure its smooth operation, including water safety.

"Since the Integrated Command Post was opened on April 17, 2022, it has been recorded that around 7,000 travelers to Surabaya have been transported by four ships," explained the man who serves as Head of the Legal Status and Ship Certification Office of the Class I Port Authority and Port Authority (KSOP) Banjarmasin.

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