SEMARANG - Public Relations of Jasa Marga Semarang Batang Andi Susilo said as many as 18,922 vehicles exited the Kalikangkung Toll Gate (GT), Central Java.

"From the data we have collected up to 22.00 WIB at night, from the west, Jakarta, as many as 18,922 cars came out," said Andi when met in Semarang, Central Java, Wednesday 27 April.

Andi said that in addition to the number of vehicles leaving, based on data collected by his party on Tuesday (26/4) at 22.00 WIB, as many as 11,898 vehicles entered from the direction of Semarang, Central Java to Jakarta. Monday (25/4) as many as 14,691 units. While the number of vehicles that came out was more, namely 19,652 units.

According to Andi, up to D-6, the vehicle's interest from homecomers was still dynamic. It is possible that this will happen, due to the effectiveness of the government's appeal and socialization, so that conditions have not yet reached their peak.

"If we compare it with 2019, because 2020-2021 there are still barriers, until D-6 it tends to rise, especially the direction to Semarang, on average from the west," he said as quoted by Antara.

Based on ANTARA's observations in the field, the condition of the toll road is still smooth even though it has begun to be crowded with class I private vehicles.

17 officers in the area were deployed to monitor road conditions as well as regulate vehicle traffic. This effort is also an anticipation if a one-way route is implemented.

Andi added that his party will strive to make going home safe and comfortable, by preparing 17 toll gates and four Mobile Reader (MR) units to prepare for the peak flow of going home. in the field.

Andi hopes that all road users can work together through the toll area according to applicable regulations, continue to comply with health protocols and go home safely.

"Our hope is that going home is planned so that it is safe, comfortable and safe to reach the destination so that you can gather with your family," said Andi.

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