SOLO - A total of 257,383 vehicles entered the city of Solo on D-7 Eid 2022. The traffic flow rate increased when compared to the same period last year.

Head of Traffic Division of the Surakarta City Transportation Service, Ari Wibowo, said the number of vehicles leaving Solo as of Monday, April 25, was 271,242 vehicles.

"Compared between D-7 Lebaran this year and D-7 Eid last year, there was an increase of 68.63 percent," he said in Solo, quoted by Antara, Tuesday, April 26.

Meanwhile, when compared to the D-7 Lebaran in 2019 or before the COVID-1 pandemic, there was an increase in traffic volume of 16.84 percent.

He said for the seven locations of the city limits, namely Kleco, Tugu Makhuto, Klodran, Jongke, Jurug, the northern ring road, and Dawung.

"This shows an increasing traffic flow. There is a potential for an increase in the arrival of travelers and also an increase in regional traffic flow for the greater Solo Raya," he said.

In addition, he said, the increase in traffic flow was also the impact of the increase in people's daily activities, one of which was shopping for Lebaran needs.

Meanwhile, on the ground on Tuesday, April 26, there was a density at a number of points in the city of Solo, including on Jalan Ronggo Warsito, Jalan Radjiman, and around Pasar Gede.

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