JAKARTA - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) predicts the increase in traffic volume for homecoming on this segment will reach its peak on D-3 or April 29, 2022 when compared to normal conditions.

Meanwhile, said Pgs. General Manager Representative Office 2 Citra Maharani in a written statement in Jakarta, Tuesday, April 26, said the increase in traffic volume in the backflow period is predicted to occur on D+5 or May 8, 2022.

Jasamarga Metropolitan Tollroad ensures the readiness of three toll roads, namely the Jakarta-Tangerang Toll Road, the Cawang-Tomang-Pluit Toll Road, and the Prof. Dr. Ir. Soedijatmo in dealing with the flow of going back and forth for Lebaran 2022.

"Locations that have the potential for overcrowding are at points including the Cawang-Tomang-Pluit Toll Road at the East Cawang Interchange (SS), GT Tomang, and GT Halim, as well as the Prof. will happen in GT Cengkareng and GT Kapuk," he said, quoted from Antara.

Meanwhile, on the Jakarta-Tangerang toll road, the density points include the impact of the density of the Cikupa GT towards Merak, the density impact on the Tomang GT and access to enter and exit the rest area.

To deal with the increase in traffic volume, Jasa Marga is also preparing to increase transaction services. Increased transactions carried out by ensuring the operation of substations and the functioning of toll equipment 100 percent, the operation of OAB (Oblique Approach Booth) substations, and alerting additional personnel to assist tapping and mobile readers to anticipate congestion at the Toll Gate (GT).

In addition, road users can use the e-Toll filling facility at the GT Kapuk Office, Pluit Access, Rest Area KM 13+500 towards Tangerang, and KM 14+000 towards Jakarta as well as providing e-Toll starter packs in several GTs, namely GT Tomang. , GT Halim, GT Cililitan, GT Senayan, GT Kapuk, and GT Cengkareng.

In traffic services, Jasa Marga also seeks to place operational vehicles and officers at locations with potential congestion, ensure operational service vehicles are in good condition, as well as supporting facilities and infrastructure are optimally prepared while taking into account the COVID-19 prevention health protocol standards for officers and road users. .

Citra added, Jasa Marga has coordinated with the Police and PT Jasamarga Tollroad Operator (JMTO) as a toll operational service provider, to carry out a plan to act as a measure to anticipate congestion by placing VMS & Prisma signs, VMS Mobile, and situational traffic engineering.

"Engineering was carried out, among others, at the locations of SS Tomang, SS Cawang towards Cikampek, SS Kembangan, and access exits and access to Rest Areas in case of congestion in certain situations," he said.

In addition, for construction services, to provide smooth driving, maintenance work that has the potential to cause traffic congestion on toll roads will be temporarily suspended from D-10 to D+10 during the Eid holiday period 1443 H.

Jasa Marga together with PT Jasamarga Tollroad Maintenance (JMTM) are also on standby for manhole covers and other officers, ensuring the condition of the sewers is in good condition as well as alerting mobile pumps to anticipate puddles on toll roads, alerting water tanks for availability of clean water and anticipating fires.

To deal with road users who will rest in the Rest Area, Jasa Marga together with PT Jasamarga Related Business (JMRB) also ensures the readiness of services in the Rest Area by ensuring that each Rest Area implements health protocols to anticipate the spread of Covid-19, adding portable toilet facilities in Rest Areas, and make arrangements for parking vehicles.

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