JAKARTA - Coordinating Minister for Political, Legal, and Security Affairs, Mahfud MD, said President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) has always considered Papua special. The President often visits the Cendrawasih Earth.

"To other provinces, the president has only been to two or three times. But to Papua, it has been 14 times", said Mahfud after accompanying President Jokowi to the Papua and West Papua People's Assembly as shown on the Presidential Secretariat's YouTube, Monday, April 25.

When visiting Papua, continued Mahfud, Jokowi often visited remote areas, not just the provincial capital.

"The president usually goes directly to remote areas, regencies, not just the provincial capitals", he said.

Mahfud said President Jokowi would later visit the office of the Papuan People's Council (MRP). Moreover, in the meeting, the MRP invited President Jokowi.

However, the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court does not know when the visit will take place. "The president said he was ready (to visit the MRP office, ed) when the time came", said Mahfud.

In addition, Mahfud spoke about the meeting between President Jokowi and the MRP. He said, the activity went well and there were several things discussed, such as the division of the region to the Papua Special Autonomy Law.

Not only that, but Jokowi also discussed the term of office of regional heads in Papua. However, no decision has been taken considering that everything must run according to the applicable laws and must not cause polemics.

"Don't let Papua be treated like this, other regions will also ask for the same thing, like that. Because they feel they have laws that are generally the same, although specifically different", he concluded.

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