JAKARTA - Candidate for Mayor of Medan, Akhyar Nasution emphasized that development planning must be well planned. This program should be discussed with the legislature as well as an audit by the Supreme Audit Agency (BPK).

This affirmation was conveyed by Akhyar in response to the issue circulating among Medan's youth about the city development program it would be easier if there was a brotherly relationship between regional officials and central officials.

"That nonsense. Everything must be audited by the BPK. There are three types of audits, namely planning audits, performance audits and financial audits. If only the central government had channeled the budget to the regions only because of personal relationships, it would have been a violation of the law. happened in the current era, "said Ahkyar in a written statement, Thursday, October 8.

Akhyar conveyed this when he met a young generation community calling itself the Medan Millennial Generation (GMI). Akhyar said he would accommodate young people's ideas for the development of Medan City.

"In the future, I will be very open to ideas from millennial children to make Medan City more colorful. I hope the creativity of Medan youth can surpass Bandung and Yogja children," said Akhyar.

Chairman of GMI Medan Luthfi Nur Aziz Amd said support was given to Akhyar because he was considered to pay attention to young people. Akhyar is known to have prepared the construction of the Medan Millennial Creative Center facility in Medan City which will become a creative facility for young people.

"We educated young people will not be fooled by grandiose campaigns," said Aziz.

Together with GMI administrators, Aziz promised to build strength among Medan's youth to win Akhyar-Salman Alfarisi in the Medan Regional Election.

"We have been determined to support Pak Akhyar and Pak Salman in the Medan Pilkada. We are ready to mobilize GMI Medan members to campaign for AMAN's victory, ”said Aziz.

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