JAKARTA - A joint patrol by the Bantul Police, Yogyakarta Special Region, on Sunday morning arrested seven people suspected of producing or assembling firecrackers in one of the houses of a resident of Palbapang Village, Bantul Regency.

Bantul Police Chief AKBP Ihsan said at a press conference at the Bantul Police on Sunday that seven people were arrested after the integrated on-the-road sahur patrol team on Sunday, April 24, at around 02.00 WIB.

"This on-the-road sahur patrol is indeed our innovation ahead of sahur, and specifically on Sunday night, it is carried out in an integrated manner, followed by volunteers in the Bantul area, the integrated team conducted a raid on a house suspected of being a place for making firecrackers," he said.

The police chief said that the raid on the house was not carried out immediately, because the day before, a resident informed the bhabinkamtibmas that a house was suspected of being a hangout every morning, from there the patrol moved to take action.

"Indeed, our policy invites the public to care about the environment, so that we carried it out and we found there were seven people, all of them were students, we found they were assembling or making firecrackers, they all have their respective roles," he explained.

The seven people who were arrested were NH, a resident of Guwosari Bantul, a junior high school student, and DKP, a resident of Ringinharjo Bantul, an elementary student, and HD, a resident of Palbapang Village, Bantul, a junior high school student, and ON, a resident of Bantul Karang, an elementary student, and ELS, a resident of Gilangharjo Bantul, a junior high school student, and RM a resident of Trirenggo. junior high school students, RAD residents of Palbapang junior high school students.

"Of the seven people we have secured, there has been a development related to the existence of one child who acts as a buyer of firecracker materials through the online COD system, so his task is specifically to buy materials at online stalls," he said.

The police chief said, apart from the perpetrators, at the TKP the police also secured evidence in the form of three packs of four-ounce firecracker concoction, two packs of two kilograms of sulfur powder, two packs of 1.8 kg of potassium, one package of 1.5 ounces of aluminum powder, and 473 cartridges. Various sizes of unfinished firecrackers, and 17 ready-made firecrackers.

"This disclosure is the result of a collaboration with bhabinkamtibmas, where the community cares about the environment because previously I asked them to care, and Alhamdulillah thanks to this synergy, it was reported to bhabinkamtibmas and carried out raids on the house," he said.

The police chief said, from the results of the examination, the perpetrators were able to assemble the firecrackers after previously self-taught by watching shows on making firecrackers on YouTube, so that they knew the ingredients and composition of assembling firecrackers.

"From the results of our interviews with them, some firecrackers were sold and some were detonated by themselves, also to prepare for the Eid night. And they have been operating since the first week, or the beginning of the fasting month yesterday," he said.

The police chief said that the follow-up to the disclosure of this case was still in process, all potential perpetrators were designated as suspects, and the perpetrators would be subject to articles in the Emergency Law Number 12 of 1951 concerning Explosives or Firecrackers.

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