JAKARTA - East Java Governor Khofifah Indar Parawansa reminded prospective civil servants that they must have a single loyalty perpendicular to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia (NKRI).

“Civil servants must have a sole loyalty to the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. Even though they have different regional flags, but in the nation, it is Red and White," he said when closing the Class III CPNS Latsar Classes 16 and 17 of 2022 in the Stesia Campus Hall, Surabaya, Saturday.

The number one person in the East Java Provincial Government also advised that the knowledge received during the CPNS Latsar could be implemented in their respective work units properly. "Moreover, the task of ASN both within the central government, provincial government, and district / city government is to serve the community, not be served," he said.

ASN, he said, must be oriented to how to provide services and performance can be faster, better, more efficient, effective, accountable, and more responsive.

“Every ASN must have the same orientation. That is to provide the best service to the community. The spirit of serving and helping the community must be firmly embedded in every ASN," he said.

Khofifah added, ASN must be able to master good communication and can be a source of soothing information.

"ASN has core values, namely 'Berakhlak' which has a description including Service Oriented, Accountable, Competent, Harmonious, Loyal, Adaptive, and Collaborative," said the first female governor in East Java.

“ASN who have completed the latsar must be able to work in detail. Detail work can be started from small things to achieve one big goal,” said Khofifah.

Meanwhile, Head of the East Java Human Resources Development Agency, Aries Agung Paewai, reported that the composition of the CPNS Class III training participants for class IV was 160 people.

Latsar CPNS this time, he continued, the implementation of the training was divided into independent learning through (MOOC), Distance Learning and classical learning at the training site.

"The curriculum provided includes character building for civil servants, strengthening technical competence in the field of work and others," said Aries.

On the same occasion, awards were also given to the best ranks one to three in each class III 2022 Basic Training Leadership Training force.

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