SEMARANG – In 2022, according to the President's direction, people are allowed to go home during Eid on the condition that they have done two vaccines or one booster. This is certainly welcome relief from all parties who have longed for friendship with relatives in their hometown.

There is a potential for national movement of 31.6% of the Indonesian population who will travel out of town during this year's Eid holiday. The smoothness, order and safety of a healthy homecoming in 2022 are the main issues for the government to make various preparations and policies. Therefore, the Directorate General of Information and Public Communication of the Ministry of Communication and Informatics held a socialization with the theme "Healthy and Safe Homecoming, Maintain Health Protocols" at the Gumaya Hotel, Semarang on Wednesday, April 20, 2022 in a hybrid manner.

As the host of the event, the Deputy Mayor of Semarang, Hevearita Gunaryanti Rahayu, said that the Eid homecoming is the most awaited event as a tool to celebrate Eid Al-Fitr 1443 Hijriah. This is because the government has been restricting the movement of people for two years, especially during Eid. Certainly, this year's Eid will be euphoric and there will be an increase in mobility and economic turnover.

“One of the things we provide is the best service, namely health services and homecoming posts. We also alert hospitals, telemedicine, ambulances, integrated health posts for 24 hours. The health service will be open from D-7 to D+7. We provide health services at terminals, stations, airports, ports, rest areas and toll exits. We will also hold random sampling at the health post to prevent the spread of Covid-19," said Hevearita via the Zoom application, Wednesday (20/4).

Meanwhile, Director of Information and Communication for the Economy and Maritime Affairs of the Ministry of Communications and Informatics, Septriana Tangkary, said that without self-awareness, going home together would have a big impact on everyone. According to the President's directive, people are allowed to return to their hometowns but on condition that they have done two vaccinations and one booster.

"People who have carried out booster vaccinations, no longer need to show the results of the PCR or antigen tests. However, if you have just carried out the second vaccination, you must show the results of the antigen test at least 1x24 hours or the PCR test 3x24 hours. Meanwhile, for those who have only been vaccinated once, they are required to do a 3x24 hour PCR test. This is to keep ourselves together to be free from Covid-19," said Septriana.

He continued, there were around 85.5 million people who would go home, especially 14.3 million Jabodetabek residents who would go home with the most destinations, namely East Java, Central Java and West Java. Meanwhile, 40.2 million people are predicted to use private vehicles and 26.7 million will use public land transportation.

"The concept of a healthy homecoming, safe homecoming aims to make people understand the travel requirements during Eid, remain disciplined in implementing health protocols and carry out complete vaccinations, namely boosters," he said.

On the same occasion, the Head of Sub-Directorate for Management and Traffic Engineering of the Directorate General of Land Transportation of the Indonesian Ministry of Transportation, Rudi Irawan, said that to anticipate a spike in cases of the spread of Covid-19 during Eid homecoming in 2022, his party has coordinated and synergized with various parties, starting from the TNI / Police, Government and Health Services.

"Almost all stake holders play a role in the upcoming Eid homecoming. In order to be safe, orderly, comfortable and smooth, continue to apply health protocols. We hope that people have vaccinated up to the third dose of vaccine," said Rudi.

In line with Rudi, the Head of Operations for the Semarang Polrestabes, Albertus Recky R, said that during the Ketupat temple operation in 2022, his party will carry out security for the homecoming flow until the return flow. The ketupat operation itself will be carried out from April 28 to May 9, 2022. According to him, the Semarang Police will alert 948 personnel to assist the smooth operation of the 2022 Ketupat Candi.

"In Semarang, there will be 2 integrated posts, at Kalikangkung and Simpang Lima toll roads, 7 service posts and 5 pospam. And we will do random sampling for the antigen swab. If it is reactive, we will take it for self-isolation. For that, for the sake of security and comfort for going home this year, let's vaccinate up to the third dose, follow the health protocols and always use a mask wherever you are, "said Recky.

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