MALUKU - The Head of the Maluku Regional Police (Kapolda) said that there are several vulnerable points that need to be alerted by security forces and other officers during the Ketupat Salawaku 2022 Operation to secure Eid 1443 Hijriah.

"I think the first vulnerable point, we have to pay attention to the BMKG, weather, waves, and so on, then we also pay attention to the entrances such as ports, airports, and most importantly tourist attractions," said Maluku Police Chief Inspector General Pol. Lotharia Latif, in Ambon, Friday.

According to him, tourist attractions on holidays are usually negligent, causing many accidents that result in prominent victims.

"What we do is monitoring with our TNI friends, our Babinsa in the field, because usually the people also on holidays later they will go on tours and so on. We also remind tourism managers to also prepare their personnel and security equipment properly, because some incidents occur during holidays," he said again.

In addition, the Kapolda conveyed that during Operation Ketupat Salawaku 2022, during the Eid Al-Fitr experience, the total number of personnel deployed was 3,530 people from all ranks.

"There are a total of 3,530 in all ranks, from the Regional Police 2,478 personnel, 402 TNI personnel, and 650 personnel from related agencies. And we have 47 Pam posts, 27 service posts, and four integrated Pam posts," he said.

According to the Kapolda, although this year President Jokowi has given leeway for the public to carry out homecoming activities, they must comply with the health protocol requirements.

"I received information from the provincial government that the community would return home for free, so I urge the public to take advantage of this. And of course the health requirements are met," he said.

In general, currently, said the Kapolda, the basic ingredients for cooking oil and electricity are safe in Maluku. So please don't worry.

"If possible on the way there is information with violations related to basic food and so on, immediately inform us. Therefore, our concern is for these people to be able to carry out their homecoming or return home safely, comfortably, and in a healthy manner," he said.

The National Police with the support of the TNI, local governments and other stakeholders held Operation Ketupat 2022 which was carried out for 12 days. Starting from April 28 to May 9 2022. Security is carried out throughout Indonesia, including mosques, tourist attractions, shopping centers, terminals, ports, train stations and airports.

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