MEDAN - Medan Mayor Bobby Nasution is furious with the thuggish acts that are currently rife in the city of Medan. Recently, a resident of Medan Labuhan was killed by a motorcycle gang in the Sei Mati area of Medan Labuhan.

Bobby Nasution firmly asked the police and TNI to help eradicate thuggery in Medan City.

"Thuggery must be removed from the face of Medan City. I hope the support of the police and the TNI, so that thuggery acts are dealt with firmly. This is not a complaint from the Medan City Government, but this has become the desire of the community. Strict action will make people uncomfortable," said Bobby Nasution, quoted from information from Medan City Government Public Relations Officer, Friday, April 22.

To provide comfort and security for Medan residents, Bobby Nasution has contacted the North Sumatran Police Chief Inspector General Panca Putra to coordinate.

"I already called the Kapoldasu asking the Medan Polrestabes to work together to focus on eradicating thuggery acts. Because recently there have been many victims of crime," continued President Jokowi's son-in-law.

Bobby Nasution also thought about the residents who will be going home this year to be safe and comfortable while at the terminals.

"I have ordered the Head of Transportation Department so that the terminals are safe and comfortable. When I visited the Babinsa member who was hacked by thugs at the Pinang Baris terminal with Pak Dandim, he was ready to deploy his personnel. Only the police are left, hopefully they can be with us This is to maintain the safety and comfort of the community, especially since it is already allowed to go home," he continued.

In the future, Bobby Nasution hopes that acts of thuggery in Medan, especially in terminals, will no longer exist forever.

"If we are together, and we dare to act decisively, nothing will be difficult. We must take firm action. I also encourage that the loophole for thuggery and extortion can be reduced by promoting the digitization of payments. Anyway, before this Eid we first eradicate thuggery," concluded Bobby Nasution.

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