PAMEKASAN - Pamekasan Police, East Java, deployed at least 3,685 personnel to secure the simultaneous village head elections (pilkades) on 23 April 2022. According to the Head of Public Relations of the Pamekasan Police Iptu Nining Dyah in Pamekasan, Thursday 21 April, the 3,685 personnel were a combination of elements police, TNI and Linmas personnel. "They will secure the village head election at 602 polling stations (TPS) in 72 villages spread across 13 sub-districts," he said, quoted by Antara. Linmas as many as 1,204 personnel. Each TPS will be secured by one TNI personnel, three police personnel and two Linmas personnel. Pamelingan, Pamekasan," he said, explaining. Especially for villages that are considered vulnerable, such as Taraban Village, Larangan District and West Longitude Village, Sub-District Batumarmar, the police added troops, to anticipate things that were not wanted. These two villages received special attention from the police because there had been conflicts. In Taraban Village, Larangan District, there had been a demonstration, because one candidate was crossed out by the committee, while in West Longitude Village, Batumarmar District, because there was a slashing of supporters of a candidate for village head. The Regent of Pamekasan Baddrut Tamam asked all elements of society to create a conducive atmosphere so that the implementation could be as expected. the community, so let's support the implementation of this village head election in accordance with applicable regulations," he said. Initially, the simultaneous Pilkades in Pamekasan Regency on April 23, 2022 were 74 villages, but two villages had to be postponed due to technical constraints.

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