JAKARTA - PT Bank Tabungan Negara (Persero) Tbk (BTN) was able to show positive performance in the third quarter of 2020. This company coded as BBTN issuer is able to channel state funds exceeding the target commitment for the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program despite being in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic. 19.

Bank BTN can fulfill the company's commitment to contribute to the National Economic Recovery (PEN) program. Until September 2020, Bank BTN has distributed PEN funds reaching Rp. 18.15 trillion which has been utilized by around 60 thousand debtors.

With this positive note, Bank BTN is also again trusted by the government with an additional placement of state funds of IDR 5 trillion.

"This pandemic condition is a momentum for us to continue to innovate and carry out improvements so that we can continue to record positive performance. Overall, our current performance is in accordance with our planned targets," said President Director of Bank BTN, Pahala Mansury in his statement, Wednesday 7. October.

A positive performance record is reflected in Bank BTN's Third Party Funds (DPK), which recorded a growth of around 18.7 percent year on year (yoy) in the third quarter of 2020. The maintained liquidity condition is also reflected in Bank BTN's Loan to Deposit Ratio (LDR) position. which is at the level of around 93.26 percent as of September 2020.

"Bank BTN still pays attention to the principle of prudence in lending so that it can keep the ratio of non-performing loans (NPL) net at a level of around 2.26 percent as of September 2020," Pahala explained.

Meanwhile, Bank BTN has also received various certifications in line with the company's commitment to promoting Good Corporate Governance (GCG). Among other things, Bank BTN won the SNI ISO 37001: 2016 certificate in the field of Commercial Credit (Commercial Lending) and the field of Procurement (Procurement).

ISO 37001: 2016 is an international standard governing the Anti-Bribery Management System. The certification obtained by Bank BTN confirms Bank BTN's commitment to compliance with the implementation of Law No.28 of 1999 which regulates the Implementation of a State that is Clean and Free from Corruption, Collusion and Nepotism.

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