JAKARTA - Coordinator of the Indonesian Anti-Corruption Society (MAKI) Boyamin Saiman handed over 100 thousand Singapore dollars to the Corruption Eradication Commission (KPK). Boyamin suspects that the money given through a friend did not come from Joko Tjandra or other suspects in a number of cases currently being investigated by the National Police Criminal Investigation Unit and the Attorney General's Office.

"Who is related to this? I make sure this is not from the suspects. It means not from Joko Tjandra, not from Prasetyo Utomo, Anita Kolopaing, and not from Pinangki," said Boyamin at the Red and White KPK building, Kuningan Persada, South Jakarta. , Wednesday, September 7.

"Anita, Tjokcan, Prasetyo Utomo, Napoleon Bonaparte, Tommy Sumardi who is at the Criminal Investigation Unit. One Pinangki and Andi Irfan Jaya are not at all related," he added.

This belief arose because the effort to give money occurred after he reported a number of things to the KPK regarding the case that ensnared Joko Tjandra and a number of parties such as the initials of five names, the code 'bapakku-bapakmu', and then 'King Maker'. This is different when he reports a number of matters relating to previous cases involving these names.

"But when I came here (KPK, red) there started to approach me with the delegates," he said.

He explained that this effort to provide gratuities was not the first time this had occurred in recent times. Boyamin admitted, after he submitted evidence related to a case involving Joko Tjandra to the KPK, the same attempt had also occurred. However, at that time the unnamed envoy openly invited him to meet to give a gift so that he could immediately refuse.

"So there were two events. There were those who wanted to meet me and give me a gift. I refused. Now, if this (the one who gave the money, ed) it seems that because I was able to trust him to give him straight away there was no word. But later it seems that from The communication, the language if I understand it, why did I go to the KPK because I said that if possible, please reduce the news, "he said.

Boyamin decided to hand over 100 thousand Singapore dollars to the KPK even though he was not a state official. Boyamin feels he often helps the state to eradicate corruption with his non-governmental organizations (NGOs).

"So when I am in a position to receive money that is not clear, it is not related to my job as a lawyer, and that is also when I work hard to take care of this, I feel I have no right and I will hand it over to the KPK. We'll wait for the KPK to refuse or accept, but I hope I will accept it anyway, it is just to distribute to the state, "he said.

"Or if I accept it secretly and my friends know that in 10 or 15 years, they will also be annoyed. I want to keep it," he said.

Boyamin admitted that he received 100 thousand Singapore dollars after meeting with a number of people on September 21.

Even though he refused, the person who met him still insisted on giving him money and still put the money in his bag.

Responding to the report, Acting KPK spokesman Ali Fikri said that his party was ready to explore the gifts allegedly related to the Joko Tjandra case.

"It is true that the person concerned has reported this to the KPK. Next, we will verify and analyze it," Ali said in a written statement to reporters, Monday, October 5.

He appreciated Boyamin's reporting. In fact, he asked all parties who received gratuities to imitate this.

"The KPK appreciates the public for the alleged corruption and gratification against the KPK," he said.

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