JAKARTA - The Meteorology, Climatology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) fully supports the preparation, development and relocation of the national capital (IKN) from Jakarta to East Kalimantan (Kaltim). BMKG is also known to be included in the list of institutions that have moved to IKN Nusantara.

The head of the BMKG, Dwikorita Karnawati, said that his institution is ready to support, assist, and work together with the Nusantara Capital Authority to build IKN. Mainly in terms of preparing data and information in infrastructure development in IKN.

"Mitigation of potential natural disasters, and various activities related to the implementation of meteorology, climatology, and geophysics," said Dwikorita in a written statement, Wednesday, April 20.

Dwikorita conveyed this during a Working Visit with Commission V DPR-RI to East Kalimantan. He explained that Kalimantan itself is an island that has a relatively smaller seismic factor compared to other islands in Indonesia.

Kalimantan, he said, was not in the megathrust zone or the collision zone between the Indo-Australian and Eurasian plates. So, if an earthquake occurs, then the island of Kalimantan will not be affected too much.

Based on the history of earthquakes, continued Dwikorita, BMKG noted that the island of Kalimantan has relatively few earthquakes that cause heavy damage to large numbers of victims. However, Dwikorita emphasized that it did not mean that there were no earthquakes there.

"We will strengthen the earthquake early warning system on the island of Kalimantan by increasing the number of accelerograph sensors and intensity meters," he said.

Accelerograph is an instrument used to record or record strong vibrations (acceleration) of earthquakes with respect to time, while Intensity Meters are used to detect shocks in certain equipment due to earthquakes, not measuring the strength of earthquakes.

Other support, he added, BMKG will also help oversee President Jokowi's vision to make IKN an inclusive city, a green city, a smart city, and a sustainable city. According to Dwikorita, this is very closely related to the issue of climate change and Indonesia's commitment to dealing with climate change.

He said, in a number of international forums, Indonesia has shown firm ambition and commitment in contributing to climate change control by holding the earth's temperature rise below 1.5 degrees Celsius. Of course, this will also be shown in the IKN development process in East Kalimantan.

"This is a big job and God willing, we are ready to succeed President Jokowi's vision of building IKN by adopting the principle of sustainability for the environment around the archipelago. This principle will adopt adaptation and mitigation to climate change," he said.

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