JAKARTA - The Attorney General's Office (AGO) will investigate allegations of state economic losses behind the corruption case of granting crude palm oil (CPO) export facilities. Thus, there will be a refund of state losses.

"We will direct it to the country's economy," said Attorney General ST Burhanuddin to reporters, Tuesday, April 19.

The deepening will also lead to the suspects who are private parties. Thus, they must return the state losses caused by their actions.

"The corporation (involved, ed) is very likely and we have ordered Jampidsus and Dirdik (Director of Investigation, ed) to do it," said Burhanuddin.

However, regarding the nominal state loss, Burhanuddin said he could not confirm it. Because, until now it is still in the process of calculation.

In addition, the AGO will also explore the elements of gratification. All parties involved will be dealt with according to the rules.

"Then if there is a gratuity, it will be investigated," said Burhanuddin.

Previously, the Attorney General's Office named four suspects in the corruption case of granting crude palm oil (CPO) export facilities.

They include the Director General of Foreign Trade of the Ministry of Trade, Indrasari Wisnu Wardhana.

Then, the other three suspects are private parties. They are the Senior Manager of Corporate affairs of Permata Hijau Group with the initials SMA; Commissioner of PT Wilmar Nabati Indonesia with the initials MPT; and the General Manager of PT Musim Mas with the initials PT.

They were charged with Article 54 paragraph (1) letter a and paragraph (2) letter abe and f of Law number 7 of 2014 concerning Trade and/or Decree of the Minister of Trade number 129 jo number 170 of 2022 concerning Determination of Amounts for Distribution of Domestic Needs and Domestic Sales Price.

Then, the provisions of Chapter 2 letter a number 1 letter b in conjunction with chapter 2 letter c number 4 letter c Regulation of the Directorate General of foreign trade number 02 DAGLU per 1 2022 concerning Technical Instructions for Implementation of Policies and Regulations on CPO Exports

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