TANGERANG - An Isuzu truck loaded with sacks overturned at the Bintaro Kilometer 05A Exit Toll Gate. The victim's name is Teto Ptiambodo (23).

Head of the Main Highway Patrol (PJR) BSD Toll Road, Commissioner of Police Teguh Patrio confirmed the incident. The incident occurred on Monday, April 18, at 11.10 western Indonesia time.

He said the incident began when the truck driven by Teto drove from Jakarta to the Bintaro toll gate.

However, upon arriving at the crime scene (TKP), the driver was shocked until he finally hit the concrete barrier separating the toll booths.

"Arriving at the location, according to the driver's testimony, he was shocked so that the vehicle climbed up the concrete barrier separating the toll booths," said Teguh when confirmed, Monday, April 18.

“The vehicle faces north. The right wheel is above in the middle of the toll booth barrier," he continued.

After the incident, the driver was rushed to the Suryoto Veteran Hospital, Pesanggrahan, South Jakarta.

"The victim was taken to the Suryiti Veterans Hospital for treatment," he said.

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