JAKARTA - The COVID-19 Handling Task Force explained the progress of handling COVID-19 in 10 government priority provinces. Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito, said that the ten provinces had changed for the better and four of them had experienced a very significant decline and one of them was DKI Jakarta.
"This week, developments in the handling of COVID-19 in the 10 priority provinces have changed for the better. In terms of the number of positive cases weekly, six out of 10 provinces experienced a significant decline," Wiku said in an online press conference broadcast on his YouTube account. Presidential Secretariat, Tuesday, October 6.
The six provinces that experienced a significant decline were South Sulawesi, North Sumatra, DKI Jakarta, West Java, East Java and South Kalimantan.
"A significant decline occurred in South Sulawesi by 30.1 percent and in West Java by 28.5 percent," he said.
As for the death cases of COVID-19 patients, Wiku explained that four of the 10 priority provinces had experienced a significant decline, namely DKI Jakarta, Central Java, South Sulawesi and Bali.
"The most significant decrease occurred in DKI Jakarta, amounting to 62.4 percent," he said.
In addition, seven out of 10 priority provinces have experienced a significant increase in recovery rates. East Java reported the most significant cure rate of 88.53 percent.
Meanwhile, regarding the risk zoning of COVID-19 transmission, currently East Java and South Sulawesi are no longer recorded as having a red zone. "This week, everything has moved into the orange zone. This means that there are no more red zones in East Java and South Sulawesi. This is an extraordinary achievement for these two provinces," said Wiku.
In addition, Wiku explained the development of positive cases of COVID-19 nationally. According to him, currently the development of COVID-19 at the national level is better than the previous week. In fact, there has been a decrease in cases of 7.4 percent compared to the previous one as well as the death rate which fell by 7.7 percent.
However, at the same time the cure rate also decreased by 0.9 percent. In fact, said Wiku, this recovery rate should always be strived to increase every week.
"We ask to continue to improve the handling of COVID-19 in their respective regions by increasing the number of weekly test capacities, increasing tracing capacity, and improving the quality of services for COVID-19 patients. Community discipline in implementing health protocols is our common asset to really be true. can increase, reduce the number of transmission. We can because it has been shown by several provinces with very convincing achievements, "he concluded.
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