JAKARTA - Spokesperson for the COVID-19 Handling Task Force Wiku Adisasmito compared the number of COVID-19 cases in Indonesia with hundreds of other countries in the world. According to him, Indonesia is currently ranked 137th out of 216 countries with a number of cases of 1,120 per one million population and this condition is quite good.

"Regarding the development of cases in Indonesia compared to the world, Indonesia currently ranks 137 out of 216 countries with a number of cases of 1,120 per one million population. This is a pretty good ranking," Wiku said in an online press conference broadcast on the Secretariat YouTube account. President, Tuesday, October 6.

"This means that when compared with the total population, the number of cases in Indonesia is still less than 78 other countries in the world," he added.

As for the mortality rate, Indonesia is ranked 102 out of 216 countries with 41 deaths per 1 million population. According to him, even though the ranking was quite good, however, this should be a concern because one death was the same as losing one life.

"Do not take death lightly and we must really suppress it so that there are no more deaths due to COVID-19 in Indonesia," he said.

Next, Wiku explained about the cure rate. According to him, Indonesia is currently ranked 19th out of 216 countries related to cure rates with a total recovery rate of 232,593 people.

"We must continue to improve this recovery. Do not be complacent with a good ranking," he said.

Previously, President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) had also conveyed this ranking some time ago. At that time, President Jokowi said that the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia was better than a number of countries with large populations such as the United States, India, and Russia.

"In terms of the number of cases and the number of deaths, Indonesia is much better than other countries with large populations," Jokowi said in a video broadcast on the Presidential Secretariat YouTube account uploaded on Saturday, October 3.

Therefore, Jokowi asked all parties to look at this fact and not compare the number of COVID-19 cases with a country with a smaller population.

"It would be better if you compare it like that. If Indonesia, compared to small countries with a small population, of course such a comparison cannot describe the real situation," he explained.

It is known, the Ministry of Health (Kemenkes) has released the latest additional positive cases of COVID-19 as of today. A total of 36,342 specimens were examined today. As a result, there were 4,056 new positive cases of COVID-19.

"The total accumulation of positive cases since COVID-19 was discovered in Indonesia has reached 311,176 people," the Ministry of Health was quoted as saying, Tuesday, October 6.

Today's cases increased by 3,844 so that a total of 236,437 people recovered. Then, the confirmed positive cases who died increased by 121 people and a total of 11,374 people.

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