JAKARTA - Central Java Governor Ganjar Pranowo visited Pancasila Village - a religious tourism destination with a prayer room, church, temple, temple and monastery - in Bulakrejo Village, Balerejo District, Madiun Regency, East Java.

Ganjar emphasized the values of religious tolerance that must be maintained and cared for together. As reflected by the symbols of the five houses of worship in the Pancasila Village area.

Ganjar also said that the differences in ethnicity, religion and race made the unity in Indonesia stronger.

"This is interesting. One place that was viral because there were reflections of the houses of worship were here. This is a reflection of Indonesia. Tolerance. If tolerance is like this, we must take care of it, we must guard it," said Ganjar in his statement. , Sunday 17 April.

"These differences are what make us one, one homeland, Greater Indonesia," Ganjar continued.

During his visit, Ganjar was accompanied by Ali Muslih, as the nephew of the late KH Ali Mursyid. KH Ali Mursyid is a healer and owner of the house, as well as the one who gradually founded Kampung Pancasila since 1980.

Furthermore, Ganjar admitted that he was amazed and learned a lot about the spirit and spirit of the late KH Ali Mursyid, especially in doing good between religious people.

"And something that has no business value, because it turns out that he also has the philosophy that because yesterday many people were affected by Covid-19, this is a fun way to have a free picnic. So there is an atmosphere of the spirit of spreading kindness," said Ganjar.

In line with Ganjar, Ali Muslih stated that the purpose of establishing Kampung Pancasila was not only to maintain harmony and tolerance of religious communities.

Moreover, Pancasila Village can be used as a learning tool for school children to understand the meaning of harmony and tolerance, such as the motto of the Republic of Indonesia, Bhinneka Tunggal Ika.

"Because fostering people to get along is difficult. So with us presenting a mini-state, let's say Bhinneka Tunggal Ika, everyone is here to digest it easily, like school children, it's easy to understand with this facility," he said.

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