BEKASI - PT Jasa Marga (Persero) Tbk continues to ensure that it will improve optimal services for Lebaran 2022 travelers aiming to the east of Java Island via the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road.

General Manager Representative Office 1 Jasamarga Transjawa Tollroad Regional Division (JTTRD) as the manager of the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road Section Muhammad Taufik Akbar said coordination with relevant stakeholders continues to be carried out so that the 2022 Eid homecoming runs smoothly.

"In line with the Government's directive to create a safe and healthy homecoming. We are doing thorough preparations because this toll road is the main road or the backbone for travelers from Jakarta to West Java to East Java," he said in Bekasi, Friday, April 15.

Continuing the Antara report, the preparation includes a traffic engineering scheme at the discretion of the police to anticipate vehicle congestion, namely by supporting the policy of limiting three-axis vehicles and above, contra flow and one way, placing officers in locations prone to overcrowding and accidents, as well as coordinating with the police.

"For the one way policy, it is proposed if the density of traffic volume or the load on KM 66 is above 11 thousand to 12 thousand vehicles per hour. However, this policy is at the discretion of the police," he said.

Taufik conveyed that in terms of traffic services, Jasa Marga has alerted a number of traffic service fleets, namely 14 toll road service vehicles, five ambulance units, three rescue units, 35 crane vehicles, one rescue truck vehicle, 11 highway patrol units, and one motorcycle units.

Meanwhile, the readiness of information and communication services is to place 146 CCTV, 31 Variable Message Signs, one VMS Mobile, 10 Remote Traffic Microwave Sensors, 24 GPS traffic service vehicles, 2 CCTV Speed Counting and MAP.

In addition, to anticipate several points of congestion on the Jakarta-Cikampek Toll Road in terms of transactions, Jasa Marga has optimized operating substations at GT Cikampek Utama 1, which has seven substations and GT Cikampek Utama 2 has seven substations, as well as the addition of six reversible substations.

"We have also prepared eight satellite substations for the direction of Cikampek and seven substations plus three Obligue Approach Booths for the direction of Jakarta," he concluded.

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