JAKARTA - Investigators from the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police have scheduled an examination as witnesses of six public figures next week, related to the investigation of criminal acts of investment fraud through the DNA Pro trading robot application.

The six public figures include Rizky Bilar and his wife Lesti Kejora, Billy Syahputra, Marchello Tahitoe or Ello, DJ Una, and a singer with the initials V.

Head of the Public Information Section (Kabagpenum) of the Public Relations Division of the National Police, Kombes Pol. Gatot Repli Handoko, when confirmed on Friday, said that the examination of a number of public figures started from Monday 18 – Thursday 20 April.

"The Pro DNA examination schedule is that investigators schedule an examination of brother E (Ello) on Monday, April 18, 2022. Then brother BS (Billy Syahputra) on Tuesday, April 19 2022. Then brother RB (Rizky Billar) and sister LK ( Lesti Kejora) on Wednesday, April 20, 2022," said Gatot, quoted by Antara, Friday, April 15.

A number of these public figures were examined as witnesses related to their involvement in the alleged crime of investment fraud through the DNA Pro trading robot application. Previously, investigators had examined the fashion designer Ivan Gunawan, Thursday (14/4), as the brand ambassador for DNA Pro who was contracted for 3 months for a fee of Rp. 1.090 million.

Another public figure scheduled to be investigated is Putri Una Astari Thamrin alias DJ (Disjoki) Una on Thursday, April 21. The public name of another figure who also appeared in the examination was a singer with the initials V.

"So there are six public figures who will be questioned next week," said Gatot.

In this case, investigators named 12 people as suspects, namely the initials YS, RU, RS, RK, FR, AB, ZII, JG, ST, FE, AS and DV. Of the 12 suspects, 6 people were arrested earlier on Thursday (7/4), namely RS, R, Y and Frangky (F). Meanwhile, two other suspects, namely Jerry Gunanda (JG) as the founder (founder) of Team Octopus and Stefanus Richard (SR) as founding partner (co-founder) of Team Octopus were arrested on Friday (8/4).

Investigators have published a wanted list (DPO) for the six suspects who have not been arrested, in addition, investigators are also coordinating with the Div Hubinter Polri to hunt down six suspects suspected of being abroad.

The suspects were charged with Article 106 juchto Article 24 and or Article 105 juchto Article 9 of Law (UU) Number 7 of 2014 concerning trafficking and or Article 3, Article 5 juchto of Article 10 of Law Number 8 of 2010 concerning the Eradication and Prevention of the Crime of Laundering Money (TPPU).

This investment fraud case has been rolling since the victim reported it to the Criminal Investigation Police on March 28, 2022. A total of 122 victims reported losses of up to IDR 17 billion.

It is known that DNA Pro is one of the Robot Trading applications that is blocked by the government. In fact, the Ministry of Trade (Kemendag) together with the Directorate of Special Economic Crimes (Dittipideksus) of the Criminal Investigation Unit of the National Police had sealed off PT DNA Pro Akademi on Friday, January 28.

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