JAKARTA - The Democrat Party faction left or walked out of the plenary meeting of the ratification of the Work Creation Omnibus Law Bill (RUU) into law. The action that took place ahead of this ratification was considered by the researcher of the Forum for the Concerned People of the Indonesian Parliament (Formappi) Lucius Karus as one thing that often happened because his proposal was not accepted and could be called a form of political action.

"Regarding the attitude of the Democrats, I think it is natural, yes, because so far there have always been one or two factions that have walked out as their political move for not accommodating their proposals or rejecting the policies or bills that they want to decide. politics which can be read as part of a strategy to get a public strategy, "Lucius said when contacted by VOI , Tuesday, September 6.

However, Lucius said that this political action would not have a bad impact on them and should be appreciated. This is because the attitude of the Democrat Party is in line with the attitude of the general public who refuse to pass the polemic law.

"So of course it should be appreciated even though the strength of the Democrats is unlikely to compete with the number of coalition political parties so that it does not have an effect on the final decision," he said.

Furthermore, appreciation should also be given because the party fraction with the symbol of the Mercy Star is able to provide an example of being a good opposition and this kind of attitude should be held by the opposition. "They may have lost in strength," he said.

"However, their attitude not to compromise with the coalition should be appreciated. In the future, they need to garner public support during the discussion process. So that in the future their strength can significantly influence the final decision process," he added.

It is known, the Democrat Party faction decided to leave or walk-out from the plenary meeting of the ratification of the Job Creation Law after feeling that they were not given the opportunity to express their views.

"If this is the case, then we, the Democrat Party faction, declare a walkout and are not responsible ..." said member of the DPR from the Democratic Party faction Benny K Harman before carrying out the action just before the hammer of session leader Azis Syamsuddin was knocked.

However, before the action left the plenary session room, this faction had repeatedly interrupted while questioning why the government and DPR seemed to be in a rush to pass the Job Creation Bill. In addition, the Democrats also requested that decision making be carried out by means of a voting system or voting.

However, their efforts to convey their attitude had to be repeatedly interrupted by dead loudspeakers who were said to have occurred due to a system so that they could not be used together as well as the desire of the meeting leaders so that the meeting could be concluded immediately.

Previously, the Indonesian Parliament officially passed the Work Creation Omnibus Law Draft (RUU). Approval was taken at the Plenary Meeting for the Closing of Session Period I of Session Year 2020-2021 at the Parliament Building, Senayan, Jakarta.

Present at the plenary session were the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, Minister of Manpower Ida Fauziah, Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani, Minister of Environment and Forestry Siti Nurbaya, Minister of Home Affairs Tito Karnavian, and Minister of Law and Human Rights Yasonna Laoly.

After listening to the views of the Coordinating Minister for the Economy Airlangga Hartarto, the DPR then decided to knock on the bill despite opposition from the Democrats and the Prosperous Justice Party.

"We need to convey, based on what we have seen and heard together. So once again I need approval in this plenary meeting forum. Can you agree?" Azis said before knocking the hammer of approval.

"Agreed," replied the board member accompanied by a hammer beat from the chairman of the meeting.

The ratification of the Work Creation Bill received approval from seven factions, namely PDIP, Gerindra, NasDem, PAN, PKB, PPP, and Golkar. Meanwhile, the Democrat Party and the PKS Faction continued to reject the ratification of the bill which caused this polemic.

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