JAKARTA - PT KAI Daop 2 Bandung warns residents who hang out in the railway line area in Purwakarta and Bandung can be threatened with sanctions as stated in Article 173 of Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways.

Public Relations Manager of PT KAI Daop 2 Bandung Kuswardoyo appealed to residents not to hang out along the railroad tracks because this activity could endanger safety.

Quoting KAI's written statement, Kuswardoyo said that the company had put up a banner containing a ban on activities on the train line.

According to him, PT KAI has also socialized the provisions in Article 173 of Law Number 23 of 2007 concerning Railways which states that the public must participate in maintaining order, security and safety in the operation of railway services.

He also explained that according to Article 181 paragraph (1) in the law on railways, everyone is prohibited from being in the benefit room of the railway line; dragging, moving, placing, or moving goods on rails or across railroad tracks; or use the rail line for purposes other than rail transportation.

Violators of the provisions in the article, according to him, could be sentenced to a maximum of three months in prison or a maximum fine of Rp. 15,000,000.

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