JAKARTA - The Presidential Staff Office has explained six derivative regulations of the State Capital Law (UU IKN) which are a priority to be issued immediately as a reference for implementing the IKN Law.

"There are six main derivative rules. Others can be in the form of rules issued by the Head of the IKN Authority or other rules if needed and deemed relevant," said KSP Main Expert Wandy Tuturoong when contacted in Jakarta, quoted by Antara, Wednesday, April 13.

Wandy outlined six priority derivative rules of the IKN Law, namely the first Draft Government Regulation on the Special Authority of the Nusantara Capital Authority.

He conveyed that this Government Regulation will provide authority in investment licensing and general ease of doing business, so that the IKN Authority becomes an agile and effective institution.

Second, the Draft Government Regulation on IKN Funding and Budgeting, which provides the basis for a funding scheme for IKN development.

"This is the basis for the IKN development funding scheme. Anything is allowed," said Wandy.

Third, the Draft Presidential Regulation concerning the National Strategic Area Plan for the Capital of the Nusantara.

This Presidential Regulation, said Wandy, provides the basis for the designation of the area, related to which green areas, residential areas, and so on, and regulates what can and cannot be built in these areas.

Fourth, the Draft Presidential Regulation concerning the Details of the Master Plan for the Capital of the Nusantara that provides the basis for how the principles and strategies of development in IKN will be carried out, including the stages.

Fifth, the Draft Presidential Regulation on Land Acquisition and Land Management in the Capital of the Nusantara that limits land speculation by giving the IKN Authority the authority to procure and limit the transfer of land rights.

Sixth Draft Presidential Regulation concerning the Nusantara Capital Authority which provides the basic structure and duties and functions of the IKN Authority.

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