JAKARTA - The National Police will draw up a Police Regulation (Perpol) to implement the new rules regarding the promotion of the position of the Brimob Police Corps Commander.

The provisions for the promotion of positions are contained in the Presidential Regulation (Perpres) of the Republic of Indonesia Number 54 of 2022 concerning the Second Amendment to Presidential Regulation Number 52 of 2010 concerning the Organizational Structure and Work Procedure of the Indonesian National Police.

"We still have to make a Perpol in order to change the old Perpol," said Head of the Public Relations Division of the National Police Inspector General Dedi Prasetyo when confirmed, Wednesday, April 13.

It is important to prepare a Perpol for the adjustment of ranks and groups in the Bhayangkara Corps. Because, in the Presidential Decree, the position of Brimob Commander will be filled by a three-star general or Commissioner-General (Komjen).

Meanwhile, for now, it is still filled by high-ranking Polri officers with the rank of Inspector General or two-star general.

"Because the ranks in Brimob mean that later Brimob will be 3 stars, Wadan Brimob will be 2 stars, then there will be a one-star Danpas (Troop Commander, ed) below it," said Dedi.

However, the making of this Perpol is still waiting for the Presidential Decree to be received in a slim manner by the Bhayangkara Corps. This is because the regulation was not directly sent by the State Secretariat (Setneg) to the Police.

"From the State Secretariat not directly to the Police, but to the Menpan (Minister for Administrative Reform and Bureaucratic Reform of the Republic of Indonesia, ed). From the Menpan, they have just been sent to the Police," said Dedi.

For information, referring to Presidential Decree Number 54 of 2022 which is listed on the jdih.setneg.go.id website, it contains the increase in the position of the Commander of the Brimob Police Corps.

Later, the position of Commander of the Brimob Corps will be filled by a National Police officer with a high-star rank or Komjen and equivalent to echelon IA.

Article 22 of the Presidential Regulation also explains that the Mobile Brigade Corps, which is abbreviated as Korbrimob, is an element of implementing the main tasks in the field of mobile brigades under the National Police Chief.

Furthermore, Korbrimob consists of 1 Bureau and a maximum of 5 troops, and is led by the Brimob Corps Commander who is responsible to the National Police Chief.

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