CIREBON - The Regent of Cirebon, Imron requested that the puskesmas staff and the village head record travelers who came during Lebaran 2022. This effort is to ensure that travelers have been vaccinated against the COVID-19 booster vaccine.

"I ask all puskesmas officers to coordinate with village heads to monitor the arrival of residents from outside Cirebon, whether they have been vaccinated or not," said Imron in Cirebon, Tuesday, April 12, quoted from Antara.

Imron said with careful coordination, puskesmas officers would be able to record whether residents from outside the area had been vaccinated against COVID-19 or not.

And if there are residents who have not been vaccinated, officers will be able to vaccinate if necessary to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

According to him, after the 2022 Eid homecoming period, his party also asked officers to anticipate an increase in COVID-19 cases.

"We also ask the puskesmas to anticipate the spread of COVID-19, after going home for Eid later," he said.

Imron admitted that the local government did not prepare a special isolation room ahead of this year's Lebaran homecoming, because the room in the hospital was still empty.

However, if necessary, the Cirebon Regency Government will prepare a special isolation room for travelers who are tested positive for COVID-19.

"We have not prepared a special isolation room for going home later, because the hospital is still empty, but if needed, we will prepare it," he said.

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