JAKARTA - The Armed Criminal Group (KKB) has once again spread terror. They shot two motorcycle taxi drivers in Lumbuk Village, Tinggi Nambut District, Puncak Jaya Regency, Papua.

"There were two victims of the shooting", said Head of Public Relations of the Papua Police, Commissioner Ahmad Musthofa Kamal, in his statement, Tuesday, April 12.

The shooting began when the victims, who were motorcycle taxi drivers, were delivering passengers. Then, they were stopped by an unknown person. That's when KKB shot them

Of the shooting incidents, one of them died. He is Soleno Lolo from a gunshot wound to the right rib.

Meanwhile, one other victim, Sauku Dg Paewa, is still in critical condition. He had a gunshot wound to the head.

"The critical victim has been evacuated to the Mulia Hospital for medical treatment. Meanwhile, for the deceased, Kamal said, his party is still waiting for the family", said Kamal.

Currently, Kamal continued, his party is looking for information and clues regarding the identity of the perpetrators. Including, whose leadership the KKB group is involved.

"The perpetrators are still being investigated and information needs to be collected to find out which group carried out the violence in Puncak Jaya", said Kamal.

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