The Man In The Hat Allegedly Started The Persecution Of Ade Armando, Hit The Back Of The Head And Was Followed Up By The Masses
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JAKARTA - A video circulated of the moments when Ade Armando was beaten badly by a mob in front of the DPR Building. A man in a hat and wearing a black jacket was seen first to take the blow.

It is not clear how this process started. The video only records when Ade Armando has been embraced by a man.

While walking, suddenly a punch landed on the back of Ade Armando's head. Suddenly he was shocked and the man next to him tried to protect Ade Armando.

Some people are still trying to calm down.

But the masses, whose origins were not clear, immediately grew out of control. Releasing kicks, punches to throw cardboard at Ade Armando.

The man who had been next to him was still trying to protect Ade Armando.

However, the unfavorable situation made his efforts in vain. Ade Armando fell to the ground.

His pants suddenly fell off.

"It was not carried out by officers, but carried out by a mass of action, we do not yet know the problem," the Head of Public Relations of the Polda Metro Jaya Kombes Endra Zulpan.

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