JAKARTA - DPD RI member Jimly Asshiddiqie invites the public to be aware of hoaxes related to the postponement of the 2024 election or the extension of the presidential term.

"Don't believe all the hoax news, 'fake news', and untrue speculations regarding the discourse of postponing elections and extending the term of office. If there is still a movement to support three terms, it's better to report it to the police," he said in a statement on Monday. Jakarta, reported by Antara, Monday, April 11.

The public is asked to be aware of the many messages regarding the postponement of elections circulating in cyberspace because among the thousands of messages it is not impossible that there are hoaxes or even false accusations.

President Joko Widodo, he said, had made it clear that he had no intention of delaying the election and extending his term of office to three terms. The president, he said, said that the elections would be held on February 14, 2024 and the elections for the regional heads in November 2024. The election stages will begin in mid-June 2022. .

"The president has emphasized that there will be no extension of term of office or postponement of the election, so you must believe and use it as a guide in your attitude to continue to oversee election preparations as they should," said the former Chief Justice of the Constitutional Court.

To defuse the debate on the issue of postponing the election, Jimly suggested that the political party elites who advocated the idea of postponing the election and extending the president's term of office had a dialogue with students.

"To express an apology and withdraw their idea so that students and the wider community can be sure that there are no more political parties playing games in this serious matter," said Jimly.

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