JAKARTA - The Cakung Police have secured a number of High School (STM) students who came from the Cikarang area, Bekasi, West Java to the State Palace and the DPR Building. The students were finally arrested by the police at the Bekasi - Cakung highway border lane on Monday, April 11, noon.

The police confiscated and checked the students' cell phones. The police found a message inviting them to take part in a demonstration in the WhatsApp Group (WAG) group. When interrogated by the police, the students admitted that they came from Cikarang.

"We stopped them while they were riding in a car. They admitted that they were still in grade 1 STM from Cikarang," said Cakung Police Chief Kompol Satria Darma when contacted by VOI, Monday, April 11, afternoon.

For further processing, the students will be taken to the Cakung Sector Police to be given direction and guidance. The police will also call the parents of each of the detained students.

"A statement will be made with his parents," he said.

Satria also appealed to students who are still in high school (STM) to focus more on studying.

"These children should just focus on learning, they don't have to go along with it, and parents should also pay attention to their children," he said.

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