JAKARTA - Traffic flow around Jalan Medan Merdeka Barat, precisely at the Horse Statue of the National Monument (Monas), Gambir, Central Jakarta, was observed to be normal, Monday 11 April, morning around 08.30 western Indonesia time.
A number of two-wheeled and four-wheeled vehicles are still free to traverse the area
Traffic Directorate officers from Metro Jaya Police have not closed the roads that are recorded to be diverted.
"We will start closing at 09.00 western Indonesia time," said Director of Traffic of the Metro Jaya Police, Grand Commissioner Sambodo to VOI in the Horse Statue area, Monas, Central Jakarta, Monday, April 11.
Furthermore, Sambodo said, if it goes according to plan, (the demonstrators) at 10.00 western Indonesia time will be at the gathering point.
"Only later will we move together to the horse statue or the DPR/MPR building. There are several gathering points that we have predicted," he said.
Sambodo stated that his party was ready to escort the protest participants if they were willing to be escorted.
"If they are willing to be escorted, we will escort them. We will serve the demonstrations as long as they are carried out in an orderly manner, not anarchic and not provoked," he concluded.
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