JAKARTA - The President of the Republic of Indonesia, Joko Widodo, reminded the management of natural resources (SDA) in Indonesia to be carried out properly.

"Our country is a country blessed by God with abundant natural resources, we must manage these natural resources well for the greatest prosperity of the people," Jokowi said in Jakarta, reported by Antara, Sunday, April 11.

This was conveyed by Jokowi when giving an online speech at the National Dharma Santi activity Celebrating the Holy Day of Silence in the Saka Year 1944 at the Parliament Complex, Senayan, Jakarta.

Jokowi advised that natural wealth must be protected and cared for and preserved in order to provide sustainable prosperity for all Indonesian people.

The President also congratulated the National Dharma Santi on the Celebration of the Holy Day of Silence in the Saka Year 1944 to Hindus throughout Indonesia.

Jokowi invites all elements of the nation to raise awareness and take concrete actions in caring for the environment, protecting mountains, protecting forests, protecting lakes and water sources, as a form of gratitude to God who created the universe and its contents.

"The importance of maintaining a balance with nature and the environment, an opportunity to hone our human spirit to build solidarity and harmony with others," said Jokowi.

The celebration of the Holy Day of Silence in 2022 carries the theme, actualizing the value of tat twan asi in various moderation towards a strong Indonesia.

"When Hindus practice Catur Brata in isolation, Hindus are reminded to honor humanity, reminded of the noble teachings of Tat Twam Asi, I am you, who invites Hindus wherever they are to create harmony in life, help others and protect nature," explained Jokowi.

Jokowi emphasized that Hindus not only invite to glorify humanity but also respect, protect nature which is the source of life, regenerate care for nature and the environment by caring for the soil, honoring water and protecting the air so that it can remain a source of sustainable life for mankind.

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