MAGELANG - Muhammad Jamhuri (42), a resident of Banjarharjo Village, Salaman District, Magelang, was declared dead after being electrocuted while repairing a sack sewing machine, Saturday, April 9. Jamhuri was taken to the Salaman I Health Center, but when he arrived the victim was declared dead.

The Head of the Salaman AKP Police, Marsodik, confirmed the incident. Marsodik said that his party had received reports of people dying due to electrocution at the organic fertilizer manufacturing area, Petugan Hamlet, Jembengsari Village, Salaman.

“Earlier, there were reports that people had died, presumably due to electrocution. The incident occurred at 12.00 WIB," said AKP Marsodik based on a written statement, Saturday, April 9.

Receiving the report, the Salaman Police immediately went to the scene. Based on the statements of several witnesses, the incident began when the victim was wrapping organic fertilizer (husk charcoal) using an electric sewing machine.

“Suddenly the machine broke down, then the victim tried to repair it. After servicing, the machine can be used again. But after walking a few packs, suddenly the victim was electrocuted,” said Marsodik.

The victim's colleagues at the scene immediately took Jamhuri to the Salaman I Health Center. However, when he arrived at the Puskesmas, the officers stated that Jamhuri had died.

"The victim's body was then handed over to the family for burial in the Banjarharjo Salaman village public cemetery," he explained.

The police chief appealed to the public to be more careful in carrying out their activities, especially those related to high-voltage electric currents.

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