JAKARTA – A man with the initials E (63) is suspected of committing an act of thuggery. He threatened to commit violence against a passenger bus driver in Bojongsoang, Bandung Regency, West Java.

However, the perpetrator who disturbed the bus driver was finally arrested by the Bandung Police Criminal Investigation Unit (Satreskrim).

Bandung Police Chief Kombes Pol Kusworo Wibowo said the bus that was stopped by the perpetrators was the Trans Pasundan Bandung Metro Bus corridor three, which is a new route in Bandung.

"The incident was discovered on Friday, April 8, 2022 at around 10.30 WIB," said Kusworo in Bandung, West Java, Saturday, March 9, to Antara.

At that time, E allegedly stopped the bus and got into the bus and then threatened the driver. At that time, the bus was carrying a lot of passengers.

Kusworo explained that the perpetrator, who is considered a senior in his world, allegedly ordered the bus driver named Hengki to stop operating and return the bus to his garage (pool).

"So the bus driver and the public or passengers on the bus feel threatened and this incident also makes the bus user community restless," he said.

Later, according to Kusworo, it was discovered that the perpetrator of the threats was the head of the management of the city transportation group (angkot) for the Buahbatu-Dayeuhkolot route.

The threatening action was spread on social media in a video recorded by one of the bus passengers.

As a result of his actions, the perpetrator was charged with Article 335 of the Criminal Code with a penalty of one year in prison. The perpetrators are currently being investigated intensively by the police.


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