JAKARTA - The DKI Jakarta Social Service has begun to seek social assistance (bansos) for the DKI Jakarta social welfare program through the Jakarta Elderly Card (KLJ), Jakarta Persons with Disabilities Card (KPDJ) and Jakarta Child Card (KAJ) in stages.

"The distribution of social assistance from KLJ, KPDJ and KAJ is carried out in stages, starting today. For the rest, there will be distribution of accounts and ATM cards for new social assistance recipients, whose schedule will be further informed," said Head of DKI Jakarta Social Service Premi Lasari as reported by Antara, Friday, April 8th.

Premium explained that this disbursement was an accumulation from January to April 2022 with KLJ social assistance recipients receiving assistance of Rp. 2,400,000, which is an accumulation of Rp. 600,000 per month.

Meanwhile, recipients of social assistance assistance from KPDJ and KAJ will receive Rp. 1,200,000, with an amount of Rp. 300,000 per month.

The number of recipients of KLJ social assistance is 104,448 people, the number of recipients of KPDJ is 14,230 people and the number of recipients of KAJ is 10,553 children.

"Because the data is refined, the old recipients who have died, have changed their address outside DKI Jakarta, their whereabouts have not been found, they are more than six years old (for KAJ recipients) will not receive any more social assistance," he said.

To note, the recipients of the PKD (Basic Needs Fulfillment) social assistance are poor people who are included in the Social Welfare Integrated Data (DTKS) determination in August 2021, which is then determined through village meetings.

Meanwhile, for people who feel they are entitled to this assistance but have never received assistance, they can register through the DTKS registration mechanism.

Information on the schedule and requirements for DTKS can be obtained through the Data Collection Officer and Social Assistance at the local Kelurahan Office and/or the Head of the Social Implementing Unit at the local Subdistrict Office.

Social assistance funds can be withdrawn through Bank DKI ATM machines. If the ATM card is lost, you can block it first and contact the Bank DKI Call Center at telephone number (021) 1500351.

If the community has questions and complaints regarding the distribution of assistance to the social assistance program, the public can submit them through the Call Center of the DKI Jakarta Provincial Social Service at telephone number: (021) 2268424 or through the Head of the Sub-District Social Implementation Unit in each region.

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